2NE1's member Park bom has tears falling during a radio show.
Park Bom who came out on MBC radio, Starry Night on the 2nd, had tears fall during her message to her family. During her 3 years of training, Park Bom had many hardships and suffered, and the tears fell while thanking her family for believing in her and waiting for her.
Also, Park bom along with dara, minji and CL sang their debut song 'Fire' and also Rhianna's Umberella. She also sang her part in Big bang's debut song 'We belong together' and got a big cheer from the listeners.
Instead of the brilliant dancing they have been showing, the girls showed their amazing live grabbing the mics instead and sang 'Umberella with their own style. They got praise from a lot of people and DJ Park Kyung Lim thought that it was their own song.
Also on this night, the stories of how the girls made it in to YGE and how 2NE1 was born was told.
source: asianfanatics
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